Crime and traffic accident report

Symbolic image of crime statistics and traffic accident report
Crime and traffic accident report
The Recklinghausen police headquarters publishes a crime report and a traffic accident report every year. These reports show developments in various areas of crime and the number of accidents on the roads in the district of Recklinghausen and the city of Bottrop.

Traffic Accident Report 2023

Every accident is one too many! Traffic accident prevention therefore plays a particularly important role in the work of your police force. In order to be able to counter developments strategically, police experts continuously analyze the recorded accidents - among other things with a view to the respective accident location and the cause of the accident. The report provides facts and figures as well as insights into the police's prevention work.

The traffic accident report can be accessed under "Reports for download".


Crime report 2023

The report provides information on crime trends in the area of responsibility of Recklinghausen Police Headquarters and in the individual towns. It also contains reports on successful investigations and important information on how citizens can protect themselves from crime.

The crime report is available on this page under "Reports to download".

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