Transport Directorate

Speed measurement with laser
Transport Directorate
The Traffic Directorate is subdivided into the organizational units Control Centre, Traffic Inspection 1 and Traffic Inspection 2.
Press office, Recklinghausen police headquarters

The Traffic Directorate of the Recklinghausen district police authority is divided into the organizational units Command Centre, Traffic Inspection 1 and Traffic Inspection 2. The Traffic Directorate is based at the police station in Marl at Rappaportstr. 1. This is where the directorate management, the command centre, the central traffic service group and some of the traffic safety advisors are located. Other employees of the Traffic Directorate work at the Gladbeck, Herten and Castrop-Rauxel properties.


Traffic control center

The Traffic Management Unit supports the Head of Directorate, carries out staff work, evaluates specialist information and coordinates road safety work. The affiliated organizational unit "Traffic Management and Evaluation" analyses the recorded accidents. The data obtained here allows accident black spots to be identified and thus enables targeted countermeasures to be taken. The employees of this organizational unit are involved in the safe design of the traffic area, they follow up on indications of deficiencies and draw up statements on traffic signage.

Traffic inspection 1

Traffic Inspectorate 1 is primarily responsible for monitoring road traffic, traffic control and road safety advice. To fulfil these tasks, Traffic Inspectorate 1 is divided into the organizational units "Traffic Service" and "Traffic Accident Prevention/Victim Protection".


Traffic Service
The traffic service consists of three groups with different local and functional responsibilities.
The activities of Traffic Service Group 1, based in Gladbeck, focus on combating the main causes of accidents in the cities of Bottrop, Dorsten, Gladbeck, Haltern am See and Marl.
The same task is performed by Traffic Service Group 2, based in Herten, which is responsible for the towns of Castrop-Rauxel, Datteln, Herten, Oer-Erkenschwick, Recklinghausen and Waltrop.
The Central Traffic Service Group, which operates throughout the authorities, is responsible for monitoring commercial goods and passenger traffic as well as traffic monitoring using specialized measurement technology, such as speed measurement using single-sided sensors or traffic monitoring using video motorcycles. It has its headquarters in Marl.


Traffic accident prevention/victim protection
The road safety advisors belonging to the "Traffic Accident Prevention/Victim Protection" organizational unit teach various age and target groups how to behave in a roadworthy manner through specially tailored programmes. They respond to the local accident situation, such as frequent pedestrian or cyclist accidents, with high-profile activities.
This organizational unit also includes three traffic accident victim protection officers, who provide assistance and support to victims and other people who are clearly affected by traffic accidents with serious consequences. The road safety advisors are based in Marl, Gladbeck and Castrop-Rauxel.

Traffic inspection 2

The Traffic Inspectorate 2 is divided into the Traffic Commissariats 1-3.

Traffic Commissariat 1
Traffic Department 1, based in Gladbeck, deals with traffic accidents and traffic offenses. It handles requests for investigations in traffic matters and is responsible for the cities of Bottrop, Dorsten, Gladbeck, Haltern am See and Marl.

Traffic Commissioner's Office 2
Traffic Commissioner's Office 2, based in Herten, is responsible for the above-mentioned tasks for the towns of Castrop-Rauxel, Datteln, Herten, Oer-Erkenschwick, Recklinghausen and Waltrop.

Traffic Commissioner's Office 3
Traffic Investigation Unit 3 consists of the Traffic Investigation Group (EGV). It is requested by the operations control center when serious traffic accidents have to be dealt with in the area of responsibility of the Recklinghausen police headquarters. Only a few authorities in our country have such specialized traffic investigation teams.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110