Recklinghausen/Bottrop district: POLICE work is VALUE work - launch event at police headquarters

Exhibition opening at police headquarters
Recklinghausen/Bottrop district: POLICE work is VALUE work - launch event at police headquarters
As part of the nationwide series of events "POLICE work is VALUE work", the kick-off event was held on Tuesday (6 September) at Recklinghausen Police Headquarters in front of a large number of invited guests.
Polizei Recklinghausen
Recklinghausen police

Police work is based on the fundamental values of our constitution. The decisions and actions of police officers must be guided by these values and must be measured against them. They are faced with the daily challenge of dealing with violence and disregard for law and order. This makes it all the more important to address the issue of value orientation.

The police authorities are participating in the nationwide series of events "POLICE work is VALUES work" with various initiatives. Recklinghausen Police Headquarters is placing a particular focus on the value of "responsibility".

Police Commissioner Friederike Zurhausen: "Living up to the trust placed in the police - that is our responsibility".

In the last few weeks and months, employees of the Presidium have dealt in detail with the complexity of the value of responsibility. The central starting point was also the question for each individual of what they personally understand by responsibility.

The results include "social cards" - photos and individual statements from employees from a wide range of departments and all hierarchies, right up to the Chief Constable. These are published on the police social media channels together with a video showing the facets of responsibility.

In addition to the employees, police chaplain Stefanie Alkier-Karweick also gave an impressive account of her attitude to "responsibility" at the launch event.

Police Commissioner Friederike Zurhausen concluded by emphasizing that values work is an ongoing process: "Professional police work requires a stable set of values and a police force that is constantly reflecting on itself."

The second part of the kick-off event focused on a particular aspect of responsibility - responsibility for each other and for oneself. Serious and stressful operations can also push emergency services to their individual physical and/or mental limits. This is exactly where the traveling exhibition of the Center for Ethical Education and Pastoral Care in the Police (ZeBuS) comes in, which will be set up in the police headquarters building in September and October. ZeBuS is a cooperation between the NRW police force and the two Christian churches. The two core tasks of the institution, which is unique in Germany, are ethics and the examination of personal individual values as well as pastoral care.

Further information can be found on the LAFP website:

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