Emergency response and deployment

Patrol car in front of the Recklinghausen police headquarters.
Emergency response and deployment
The main task of the Directorate for Emergency Response/Employment (GE Directorate) is to manage day-to-day operations, which are carried out by the officers of the security service in six permanently manned police stations.

These "operational stations" are located in Bottrop, Marl, Dorsten, Recklinghausen, Datteln and Castrop-Rauxel. Large-scale operations such as demonstrations or sporting events are also handled by the GE directorate.

In addition to the security service, there is also the district and priority service (BSD East and BSD West). The district officers are the point of contact for all citizens in their immediate residential and living environment.

The GE Directorate includes the command center and the command and situation service. The directorate is divided into police station 1 (West) and police station 2 (East) as well as the riot police/special police services division. The latter consists of the riot police unit and the service dog squadron.


In the
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110